Need Help Right Now?
If you are in crisis, and under the age of 18, please call the Office of Youth and Family Services hot line at 570-963-6781 OR 800-963-0313. You can also go directly to their offices in the Lackawanna County Building at 123 Wyoming Ave, Scranton
If you are 18 and over, here are some resources:
NEPA Youth Shelter TEXT: (570) 892-1414
Crisis Support: 211
Emergencies: 911
Scranton Counseling Center: (570) 348-6100
Children's Service Center: (570) 825-6425
Family Service Center of NEPA: (570) 823-5144
Friendship House: (570) 342-8305
Outreach: (570) 348-6484
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services (DATS): (570) 961-1997
Women's Resource Center: 1-800-257-5765 (For victims of domestic violence)
Catherine McAuley Center: (570) 342-1342 (For women with dependent children)
Catholic Social Services: (570) 207-2283 (single adults)
The Community Intervention Center: (570) 342-4298 (adult day center for the homeless)
Women, Infants, and Children(WIC)1-800-WIC-WINS (942-9467)
United Neighborhood Center (UNC): (570) 207-4941(housing in the community)
Medical Services (No insurance needed): (570) 591-5280
St. Joseph's Center for Mother's and Babies (570) 963-1261
SHARE Program sponsored by Lakcakwanna County Area Agency on Aging (570-963-6740)
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La rehabiltation me salvo la vida!
Encuintre Tratamiento para frogoas y alcohol.
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Find Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Recovery Saved My Life
Sponsored by the Mendoza Group
La rehabiltation me salvo la vida!
Encuintre Tratamiento para frogoas y alcohol.
Sponsored by the Mendoza Group